About Us

GoGo Construction is your one-call solution for a wide range of home maintenance and repair needs. All our technicians are highly skilled craftsmen with an average of 10 years’ experience in the trades. We’re home repair and improvement experts, and we are known for the quality of our workmanship and professional reliability so you know the job will be done correctly and efficiently.

GoGo Construction technician has over 20 years of experience in the Motion Picture Industry. We built sets for most of the TV and Movie Business Industry. This is from hanging a picture to Building a complete Applebee’s restaurant on the stage!

We strive to answer every single phone call that rings into my office, which means you won’t get an answering machine or wait hours for a callback. I will schedule your appointments, and help answer any questions you may have about how we work.

Regardless of the size of your home, maintaining it can be a struggle. While you may not have the time or the tools to accomplish everything on your to-do list, what you do have is a local person with a reliable team of experts who offer you services with a Done Right Promise.

GoGo Construction is proud to be the name for home improvement and repair, providing virtually any home repair, installation, and maintainance service. You don’t want to put your life on holdĀ  to fix the the door that won’t close and we understand that. That’s why our team respects your schedule and arrives with all the tools and equipment necessary to provide an efficient, reliable and handyman service. It is our goal to keep your home in tip-top shape so you can stay on track.

For professional services for your home or business, Contact GoGo Construction.